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The Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Network

The 7th national 2024 SURE Network conference will be hosted by Atlantic Technological University (ATU) in Galway on the 18th October 2024.

The SURE (Science Undergraduate Research Experience) Network was established in December 2016 by a community of higher education institutions interested in enhancing practice in undergraduate research in the Sciences. The SURE Network supports members and students from 6 academic partners: ATU, TUS, SETU, TU Dublin, MTU and Dundalk IT.  The objectives of the network are to:

  1. Provide current students with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the work which has been undertaken by recent graduates, and the career opportunities that exist for graduates in Scientific disciplines.
  2. Provide recent graduates with an opportunity to gain a reviewed publication based on the scientific research undertaken by them during their undergraduate studies in SURE-J, Irelands first and only undergraduate expert reveiwed research journal.
  3. Celebrate the academic achievements of recent graduates in the scientific disciplines.
  4. Provide a multi-disciplinary scientific forum through which undergraduate research outputs can be disseminated to students, researchers, academic professionals and industry.

Read about our Conferences since 2018, Journal, Curriculum initiatives and SUREbyts project.


300 people attend SURE 2023 themed ‘How to Complete an Awesome FYP’

SURE Network Announced as Winner of Career Impact Strategy Award, Education Awards 2023


The fifth volume of the SURE Network’s undergraduate research journal, SURE-J   was published in December 2023 and is now available online to view.  Congratulations to all of  our student authors and their project supervisors from TUS Athlone, ATU, MTU and TUD.

SURE-J is now:
  • accepting paper submissions for expert reveiw from all final year STEM students who wish to publish a paper on their final year project work (students do not need to have attended a SURE conference to have their work considered)
  • SURE-J now accepts submissions for review from wet (lab based) projects and dry projects (data analysis, review, qualitative assessments etc)
  • SURE-J is accepting submissions based on project work completed in the academic years 2023-2024 for the 2024 edition. Submission is through through the SURE-J arrow page.
For any queries, please contact SURE-J editor Dr Anne Friel at


2021 saw the launch of the SUREbyts project in which a collection of videos featuring active researchers have been developed for year 1 and year 2 undergraduate students. These resources can be accessed by both students and lecturers here and are an excellent tool to use in the classroom for the development of critical thinking skills and research awareness.


SURE 2024 Abstract submission closing on the 27th May 2024

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) are delighted to announce that abstract submission for the seventh national, award winning 2024 Science undergraduate research experience (SURE) conference is now open! Submit your abstract…

SURE-J receives ISSN number

  The ISSN Centre at the National Library of Ireland has now assigned an ISSN to the SURE Journal (ISSN 2990-8167). A big congratulations and thank you to the SURE-J editor. Dr. Anne Friel, Technological…

Volume Five of SURE-J now available online

  The fifth volume of the SURE Network’s undergraduate research journal, SURE-J   was published in December 2023 and is now available online to view here. Congratulations to all of  our…


Best Student Career Impact Strategy award

Best Academic Partnership

The SURE Network was awarded “Best Academic Partnership” at the 2019 Irish Education Awards, followed by the best  ‘Career Impact Strategy’   award at the 2023 Irish Education Awards.