2024 Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Conference

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This is the website for the SURE 2024 conference taking place on the 18th October 2024 in Atlantic Technological University (ATU) (Galway city campus).

The theme of this years conference is Evidence Based Research.

Abstract submission is now closed for the 2024 conference. Conference registration will open in late September 2024. Please check back for details.

Many thanks to everyone who either submitted or reveiwed an abstract. Conference participants will be hearing from the conference committee shortly with feedback, requests for confirmation and details of our oral and poster presenter training workshops.  Any questions please email Dr. Therese Montgomery, SURE Network chair: therese.montgomery@atu.ie

Information for undergraduate  presenters:

Successful authors will be invited to make an oral presentation or a poster presentation at the conference. Oral presentations are approx. 8 minutes in duration with 2 minutes for questions. Posters are formatted as A1 portrait and will be displayed during two poster sessions on the day as well as virtually on the conference website. Posters will also be presented via a 90 second oral presentation during the poster spotlight sessions. Poster authors must be available for discussions about the poster during the conference. All accepted authors will be issued with guidelines for the final version of their presentation or poster in advance of the conference. Selected presenters will be invited to partake in either an oral or poster online training workshop to assist them with their conference preparations in late Sept/early Oct in advance of the conference.

All posters and prepared presentation slides must contain:

  1. your institute or universities logo
  2. the SURE logo
  3. all authors and co-authors names and affiliations.

As the theme of this years conference is Evidence Based Research presenting authors will be asked to highlight the approach taken during their project to ensure the scientific integrity, rigor, and robustness of their experimental data, research findings and thesis writings and to reflect upon any potential improvements they might make in this area had they more time.

ATU Galway 2024 SURE conference Local organising committee:

  • Therese Montgomery (chair) – therese.montgomery@atu.ie
  • Brigid Hooban, ATU
  • Leisha McGrath, ATU
  • Cormac Quigley, ATU
  • Niall Maloney, ATU
  • Karen Keane, ATU
  • Siobhan Leahy, ATU
  • Yannick Casamayou, ATU
  • Joan O’Keefe, ATU

About the SURE Conference

The SURE 2024 Conference will be the seventh in the series of Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Conferences. Students from throughout Ireland who are completing their Final Year Project in a science discipline in 2023-24 will be presenting their undergraduate research work to this conference.

The aim of the national SURE conferences is to:

  • Provide current students with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the project work which has been undertaken by recent graduates, and the career opportunities that exist for graduates in Scientific disciplines.
  • Provide recent graduates with an opportunity to gain a reviewed publication based on their undergraduate scientific research in SURE-J, Ireland’s first and only undergraduate expert reviewed research journal.
  • Celebrate the academic achievements of recent graduates in the scientific disciplines.
  • Provide a multi-disciplinary scientific forum through which undergraduate research outputs can be disseminated to students, researchers, academic professionals and industry.

In addition to an annual conference, the SURE Network offers students an opportunity to submit to the SURE Journal: SURE_J. Students who have completed  high quality work should consider making a submission to the journal. Information is available on the SURE Journal page.


Submitting an abstract for the SURE Conference

Students and graduates who have recently completed an undergraduate research project (NFQ Level 8 or NFQ Level 7) in a Scientific discipline are invited to submit a 250 word abstract for an oral or poster presentation by Thursday the 30th May.  The project must be an undergraduate project, so projects completed as part of Higher Diploma and other postgraduate programmes are not eligible.

Submissions are invited for the following, and related, disciplines:

  • Analytical Science
  • Biology
  • Biopharmaceutical Science
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Environmental Science
  • Food Science
  • Health Science and Nutrition
  • Land Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Nursing
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Physics
  • Materials Science
  • Sport & Exercise Science
  • STEM Communication
  • STEM Education
  • STEM Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • STEM Technology
  • STEM Informatics
  • Sustainability

Submissions are welcomed for both lab-based and desk-based research projects.

Making a Submission

The process for making an abstract submission, which you must do by midnight on Monday, 27th May 2024 (now extended to Thursday the 30th May), is as follows:

  1. Register for an account with Oxford abstracts, our abstract management system. Please use a non-college email that you know you will have access to in October 2024 when registering for your account.
  2. Once you have signed into the Oxford abstracts system you will see the Abstract Submission form. Please read through this form carefully, noting all questions that must be filled in and the author information required. It is here that you will submit your 250-word abstract and answer two associated 100-word questions. Provide all the required details, including the list of authors and their affiliations.  Your project supervisors should be listed as authors in addition to yourself. Take care when writing your abstract and make sure to proofread before submission. This abstract should clearly and concisely communicate your research to a scientific audience that may not have expertise in your own discipline. Remember to include some brief information on research background, outline your research question, the main methodological approach taken or methods used, main result summary and concluding statement interpreting your results and describing their impact. The Oxford abstracts software will allow you to amend your submission prior to final submission stage.
  3. Download, prepare and upload to Oxford Abstracts a completed SURE 2024 Supervisor Consent Form. Ensure that this form is signed by your project supervisor and all other co-authors before uploading to the Oxford Abstracts system. Your abstract will not be accepted or review without having first uploaded a completed consent form.
  4. Your submission will be reviewed by two experts in your field, and you will be notified of the outcome in early July 2024. If accepted, you will then be advised on the dates for the submission of an updated version of your work for inclusion in the conference materials.

*note – Abstracts are double-blinded before review. This means that the reviewers won’t know your identity and you won’t know their identity. The consent form containing your name and your supervisor’s name are retained by the Conference Committee only and not sent to the reviewers.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate or paraphrase any materials, including abstract, question responses, poster contents, is strictly forbidden.

Request to Lecturers

Lecturers who wish to volunteer as reviewers of conference abstract submissions are asked to submit their details here.