The Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR) journal, published by the Council for Undergraduate Research in the United States, has published the following paper in its Fall 2023 issue.
Ciarán O’Leary, Gordon Cooke, Julie Dunne, Barry Ryan, Carla Surlis, Matt Smith, Emma Caraher, Claire Lennon, Evelyn Landers, Eileen O’Leary, Geraldine Dowling, Margaret McCallig, Anne Marie O’Brien, Valerie McCarthy, Josephine Treacy (2023). SUREbyts: Presenting Early-Year Undergraduate Students with Videos on Research Topics. In Scholarship and Practice in Undergraduate Research, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, Fall 2023.
This paper describes the path undertaken to develop and implement the successful SUREbyts project.